Great Britain

01.  Great Britain (Germany FALS in II World War) II World War Pic
02.  United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland 1840 - 1920 Pic
03.  United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (member League of Nations) 1920 01 10 - 1921 Pic
04.  United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1921 12 06 - 1927 Pic
05.  United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Official change name) 1927 04 12 - 1931 Pic
06.  United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (British Commonwealth member) 1931 12 11 - 1945 Pic


 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UN member) 1945 10 24 - 1947 Pic
08.  United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Commonwealth member) 1947 - 1993 Pic
09.  United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (EU member) 1993 11 01 - 2020 Pic
10.  United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2020 01 31 - Pic


01.  Great Britain (Universal Mail United Kingdom) 2008 - Pic


England, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Jersey, North Ireland, Scotland, Wales:

Army stamps:

AVIA lines:

Bus post:

Camp post:

City post:

College post:

International Mail:

Different private post:

Newspaper stamps:

Private Islands and different private post:

Railway post:

Modern Railways stamps:

Scout post:

Services stamps:

Strike post:

Telegraph companies:

Child post:

QSL stamps:



Also see others countries

Also see other EU members

Unknown Britain stamps


Last update 2020.02.01