No. | Town | Firms | Initials | Years | |
U | 1912 | Pic | |||
Hudson Falls, NY | Union Bag & Paper Corporation | U (shield) | 1908 - 1942 | Pic | |
Memphis, TN | Union & Planters Bank & Trust Company | U&P | 1917 - 1932 | Pic | |
New York, NY | Underwood & Underwood | U&U | 1914 - 1922 | Pic | |
U.E | 1926 | Pic | |||
Los Angeles, CA | United States Long Distance Telephone Company | U.S./L.D. | 1917 - 1926 | Pic | |
Worcester, MA | United States Envelope Company | U.S.E. | 1902 - 1945 | Pic | |
Kalamazoo, MI | Upjohn Company | U/Co | 1902 - 1933 | Pic | |
Pittsburgh, PA | United Engineering & Foundry Company | U/E&F | 1908 | Pic | |
Chicago, IL | University of Chicago | U/OF/C | 1912 - 1944 | Pic | |
Ann Arbor, MI | University of Michigan | U/OF/M | 1912 - 1971 | Pic | |
Minneapolis, MN | University of Minnesota | U/OF/M | 1938 - 1988 | Pic | |
Philadelphia, PA | University of Pennsylvania | U/OF/P | 1926 - 1954 | Pic | |
Chicago, IL | United Agency | UA | 1917 | Pic | |
New York, NY | United Artists Corporation | UAC | 1926 - 1932 | Pic | |
Chicago, IL | U.A.R. Business Systems | UAR/CO | 1914 | Pic | |
UAR/CO | 1917 | Pic | |||
Indianapolis, IN | United Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners of America | UB/CJ | 1902 - 1938 | Pic | |
Boston, MA | United Business Service | UBS | 1926 - 1938 | Pic | |
New York, NY | Ultramares Corporation | UC | 1908 - 1926 | Pic | |
New York, NY | Union Carbon & Carbide Company | UC/&C | 1922 - 1963 | Pic | |
UC/IC | 1914 - 1917 | Pic | |||
New York, NY | Union Carbide Company | UCC | 1908 - 1914 | Pic | |
New York, NY | Universal Carloading & Distributing Company | UCD | 1926 - 1940 | Pic | |
Cincinnati, OH | The Union Central Life Insurance Company | UCL | 1902 - 1908 | Pic | |
UCP | 1923 | Pic | |||
New York, NY | United Cigar-Whelan Stores Corporation | UCS | 1926 - 1963 | Pic | |
New York, NY | Whelan Drug Company of Delaware, Incorporated | UCS | 1926 - 1942 | Pic | |
Chicago, IL | Union Carbide Sales Company | UCS | 1908 - 1922 | Pic | |
San Francisco, CA | United Cigar Stores Company | UCS/Co | 1922 - 1929 | Pic | |
New York, NY | United Cigar Stores Company | UCS/Co , UCS/.Co | 1902 - 1933 | Pic | |
Chicago, IL | United Cigar Stores Company | UCS/Co. | 1914 - 1932 | Pic | |
Boston, MA | United Drug Company | UD/Co | 1908 - 1912 | Pic | |
New York, NY | United Dressed Beef Company | UDB | 1908 - 1917 | Pic | |
UE | 1902 - 1908 | Pic | |||
UEL | 1902 - 1914 | Pic | |||
Saint Louis, MO | Union Electric Light & Power Company | UEL | 1908 | Pic | |
Providence, RI | United Electric Railway Company | UER/CO | 1923 - 1942 | Pic | |
New Orleans, LA | United Fruit Company | UFC | 1914 - 1920 | Pic | |
Pittsburgh, PA | UFE | 1914 - 1923 | Pic | ||
UFE | 1917 | Pic | |||
Moscow, ID | University of Idaho | UI | 1926 - 1975 | Pic | |
Urbana, IL | University of Illinois | UI | 1917 - 1948 | Pic | |
UIC | 1908 - 1917 | Pic | |||
Lincoln, NE | Union Automobile Insurance Company | UIC (shield) | 1926 - 1932 | Pic | |
Lawrence, KS | The University of Kansas | UK | 1908 - 1982 | Pic | |
Columbia, MO | University of Missouri | UM | 1914 - | Pic | |
North Portland, OR | Union Meat Company | UM/Co | 1908 - 1914 | Pic | |
Lincoln, NE | The University of Nebraska | UN | 1922 - 1963 | Pic | |
Pittsburgh, PA | Union National Bank | UNB | 1912 - 1933 | Pic | |
UNB | 1926 - 1938 | Pic | |||
Marquette, MI | Union National Bank | UNB | 1926 - 1936 | Pic | |
New York, NY | The Union News Company | UNC | 1918 - 1940 | Pic | |
San Francisco, CA | Commercial Union Assurance Company Limited | UNION | 1908 - 1919 | Pic | |
New York, NY | The University Society, Incorporated | UNV/SOC | 1908 - 1954 | Pic | |
Los Angeles, CA | Union Oil Company | UO/Co | 1902 - 1923 | Pic | |
Los Angeles, CA | UO/Co | 1902 - 1908 | Pic | ||
San Francisco, CA | Union Oil Compny of California | UO/Co | 1908 - 1915 | Pic | |
Detroit, MI | Uhlman Optical Company | UO/Co. | 1926 - 1942 | Pic | |
Detroit, MI | The Union Paper & Twine Company | UP | 1912 - 1931 | Pic | |
Omaha, NE | Union Pacific Railroad Company | UP | 1902 - 1975 | Pic | |
New York, NY | Yale University Press | UP | 1926 - 1950 | Pic | |
Rock Springs, WY | The Union Pacific Coal Company | UPC | 1931 - 1954 | Pic | |
Chicago, IL | Universal Portland Cement Company | UPC | 1902 - 1917 | Pic | |
New York, NY | United Profit Sharing Company New | UPS | 1917 - 1931 | Pic | |
Richmond, VA | University of Richmond | UR | 1926 - 1942 | Pic | |
Saint Paul, MN | Union Roofing & Manufacturing Company | UR/MC | 1908 - 1914 | Pic | |
US | 1914 | Pic | |||
Washington, DC | United States Department of Commerce, Census Bureau | US | 1938 - 1954 | Pic | |
Omaha, NE | U.S. Supply Company | US | 1917 - 1923 | Pic | |
US/BA | 1914 | Pic | |||
New York, NY | United States Fidelity & Guaranty Company | US/F&G | 1902 - 1958 | Pic | |
United States Fidelity & Guaranty Company | US/F&G | 1933 - 1945 | Pic | ||
Baltimore, MD | United States Fidelity & Guaranty Company | US/F&G | 1908 - 1929 | Pic | |
Kansas City, MO | United States Fidelity & Guaranty Company | US/F&G | 1926 - 1945 | Pic | |
Kansas City, MO | US/F&G | 1922 - 1933 | Pic | ||
US/F&G | 1923 - 1933 | Pic | |||
Hoboken, NJ | United States Lines | US/L | 1922 - 1926 | Pic | |
Boston, MA | United Shoe Machinery Company | US/MC | 1908 - 1965 | Pic | |
Auburn, ME | United Shoe Machinery Company | US/MC | 1926 - 1933 | Pic | |
Brockton, MA | United Shoe Machinery Company | US/MC | 1926 - 1940 | Pic | |
Philadelphia, PA | United Shoe Machinery Company | US/MC | 1917 - 1948 | Pic | |
New York, NY | United Shoe Machinery Company | US/MC | 1917 - 1938 | Pic | |
San Francisco, CA | United Shoe Machinery Company | US/MC | 1926 - 1938 | Pic | |
Cincinnati, OH | United Shoe Machinery Company | US/MC | 1926 - 1942 | Pic | |
Milwaukee, WI | United Shoe Machinery Company | US/MC | 1926 - 1938 | Pic | |
United Shoe Machinery Company | US/MC | 1908 | Pic | ||
Lynn, MA | United Shoe Machinery Company | US/MC | 1908 - 1938 | Pic | |
United Shoe Machinery Company | US/MC | 1908 - 1912 | Pic | ||
Johnson City, NY | United Shoe Machinery Company | US/MC | 1914 - 1938 | Pic | |
Rochester, NY | United Shoe Machinery Company | US/MC | 1926 - 1938 | Pic | |
Atlanta, GA | United Shoe Machinery Company | US/MC | 1938 | Pic | |
United Shoe Machinery Company | US/MC | 1912 - 1946 | Pic | ||
Haverhill, MA | United Shoe Machinery Company | US/MC | 1926 - 1938 | Pic | |
United Shoe Machinery Company | US/MC | 1908 - 1914 | Pic | ||
Chicago, IL | United Shoe Machinery Company | US/MC | 1926 - 1940 | Pic | |
Saint Louis, MO | United Shoe Machinery Company | US/MC | 1912 - 1940 | Pic | |
Cincinnati, OH | United States Motor Truck Company | US/MT | 1917 - 1918 | Pic | |
Omaha, NE | United States National Bank | US/NB | 1908 - 1926 | Pic | |
US/NB | 1917 | Pic | |||
New York, NY | United States Steel Corporation | US/S | 1902 - 1952 | Pic | |
Swissvale, PA | Union Switch & Signal Company | US/S | 1937 - 1954 | Pic | |
Washington, DC | United States Veterans Administration | US/VA | 1931 - 1954 | Pic | |
Augusta, GA | Union Savings Bank | USB | 1912 - 1917 | Pic | |
USB | 1917 | Pic | |||
New York, NY | United States Casualty Company | USC | 1908 - 1914 | Pic | |
New York, NY | USC | 1914 - 1948 | Pic | ||
New York, NY | United States Steel Export Company | USE | 1938 - 1954 | Pic | |
Chicago, IL | United States Gypsum Company | USG | 1908 - 1922 | Pic | |
Saginaw, MI | United States Health & Accident Insurance Co. | USI/Co | 1908 - 1912 | Pic | |
Niagara Falls, NY | United States Light & Heat Corporation | USL | 1914 - 1938 | Pic | |
Chicago, IL | Union Special Machine Company | USM/Co | 1902 - 1938 | Pic | |
New York, NY | USM/Co. | 1908 - 1917 | Pic | ||
New York, NY | USM/TCo | 1917 - 1926 | Pic | ||
New York, NY | United States Stationery Company | USP | 1926 - 1965 | Pic | |
New York, NY | United States Steel Products Company | USP | 1908 - 1934 | Pic | |
New York, NY | United States Printing & Lithograph Company | USP/Co | 1902 - 1933 | Pic | |
USR/CO | 1933 - 1940 | Pic | |||
Chicago, IL | United States Tire Company | UST/CD | 1912 - 1917 | Pic | |
New York, NY | United States Tire Company | UST/Co | 1908 - 1933 | Pic | |
UST/Co | 1912 - 1917 | Pic | |||
San Francisco, CA | UST/WD | 1908 - 1914 | Pic | ||
New York, NY | United States Vitamin Company | USV | 1926 - 1942 | Pic | |
USW | 1914 - 1917 | Pic | |||
New York, NY | Underwood Typewriter Company | UT | 1902 - 1923 | Pic | |
San Francisco, CA | Union Trust Company | UT/CO | 1917 - 1942 | Pic | |
UT/CO | 1914 | Pic | |||
Baltimore, MD | Union Trust Company of Maryland | UT/Co | 1922 - 1931 | Pic | |
UT/Co | 1934 - 1938 | Pic | |||
Pittsburgh, PA | The Union Trust Company of Pittsburgh | UTC | 1917 - 1948 | Pic | |
New York, NY | U.T. Hungerford Brass & Copper Company | UTH | 1902 - 1917 | Pic | |
UTM | 1922 - 1948 | Pic | |||
UW | Pic | ||||
Madison, WI | The University of Wisconsin | UW | 1922-1942 - 1985- | Pic |
Last update: 2015.09.28