
01.  Peruvian Republic 1858 - 1881 Pic
02.  Peru (Chilean occupation) Peruvian Republic stamps overprint 1881 09 28 - 1883 Pic
03.  Peruvian Republic 1883 10 23 - 1920 Pic
04.  Peruvian Republic (Peruvian Republic 1858-1881 stamps overprint) 1883 10 23 - 1920 Pic
05.  Peruvian Republic (member League of Nations) 1920 01 10 - 1939 Pic
06.  Peruvian Republic (member League of Nations) Peruvian Republic 1883-1920 stamps overprint 1920 01 10 - 1939 Pic
07.  Peruvian Republic (dropping out of League of Nations) 1939 04 - 1945 Pic
08.  Peruvian Republic (dropping out of League of Nations) Peruvian Republic 1920-1939 stamps overprint 1939 04 - 1945 Pic
09.  Peruvian Republic (member United Nations) 1945 10 31 - 1980 Pic
10.  Peruvian Republic (member United Nations) Peruvian Republic stamps overprint 1945 10 31 - 1980 Pic
11.  Peru Republic 1980 07 28 - Pic

Different locals post:

1882 - 1885 locals:

Ship company:




Last update: 2016.02.23