
01.  Southern Rhodesia (British colony) 1925 - 1953 Pic
02.  Southern Rhodesia (British colony) British stamps overprint 1925 - 1953 Pic
03.  Southern Rhodesia (part of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland) 1953 08 01 - 1954 Pic
04.  Southern Rhodesia (British colony) 1963 12 31 - 1964 Pic
05.  Rhodesia (Self government) 1964 - 1965 Pic
06.  Rhodesia (Southern Rhodesia stamps overprint) 1965 11 11 - 1970 Pic
07.  Rhodesia (Rhodesia stamps overprint) 1965 11 11 - 1970 Pic
08.  Rhodesia  1965 11 11 - 1970 Pic
09.  Rhodesia Republic 1970 03 02 - 1979 Pic
10.  Zimbabwe 1980 04 17 - 1980 Pic
11.  Zimbabwe (member United Nations) 1980 08 25 - 1991 Pic
12.  Zimbabwe Republic 1991 04 17 - 2002 Pic
13.  Zimbabwe Republic (Suspended councils in British Commonwealth) 2002 03 19 - 2003 Pic
14.  Zimbabwe Republic (withdrew from British Commonwealth) 2003 12 07 - Pic


Railways post stamps:


Also see in Rhodesia and Nyasaland


Last update 2013.05.31