
01.  Togo (German Empire protectorate) German stamps overprint 1897 - 1914 Pic
02.  Togo (German Empire protectorate) 1897 - 1914 Pic
03.  Togo (German Empire protectorate) 1914 - 1918 Pic
04.  Togo (German Republic protectorate) 1918 - 1919 Pic
05.  Togo (British occupation) German Togo stamps overprint 1914 - 1916 Pic
06.  Togo (British and French occupation) Gold Coast stamps overprint 1914 - 1921 Pic
07.  Togo (French and British occupation) German Togo stamps overprint 1914 - 1921 Pic
08.  Togo (French and British occupation) Dahomey stamps overprint 1914 - 1921 Pic
09.  Togo (French Republic) Dahomey stamps overprint 1921 - 1922 Pic
10.  Togo (League of Nations mandates - French Republic ruler) Togo 1921-1922 stamps overprint 1922 07 20 - 1940 Pic
11.  Togo (League of Nations mandates - French Republic ruler) 1922 07 20 - 1940 Pic
12.  Togo (League of Nations mandates - French ruler) 1940 - 1941 Pic
13.  Togo (League of Nations mandates - French State ruler) 1940 06 16 - 1944 Pic
14.  Togo (United Nations trust territory - French Republic ruler) 1946 12 13 - 1956 Pic
15.  Togo Autonomy Republic (French Republic) 1956 08 24 - 1958 Pic
16.  Togo Republic 1958 04 27 - 1960 Pic
17.  Togo Republic (independent) 1960 04 27 - 1960 Pic
18.  Togo Republic (member United Nations) 1960 09 20 - 2022 Pic
19.  Togo Republic (member The British Commonwealth) 2022 06 25 - Pic

Also see maps: 1920

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Last update 2022.07.26